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Mushroom Growing Kits ordered before 2PM will typically arrive the next working day

Why is one of my Oyster kits not growing and the other is?

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    By nature different kits can grow at different speeds, so it is not usually a cause for concern.
Image ofWhy is one of my Oyster kits not growing and the other is?

Growing Tips

With the way we produce these kits, this is not uncommon, it is possible one of the kits you have could be "younger" so the mycelium is less developed and could be "behind" another kit you have.

Also the two species do grow by nature at different rates, typically the Pink Oyster Mushroom Kits will grow at a faster rate than the Yellow Oyster Mushroom Kits, However at cooler times of the year, this can be the other way round. So it is completely normal for one kit to be slower and it is not to be a worry or concern.

Pinks Oyster mushroom kits are more exotic, so to help them along, consider increasing the room temperature by a couple of Celsius to speed things along

What should I do if one of my kits isn't growing but the other is?

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    Pooling water should be dabbed away and removed.
Image ofWhat should I do if one of my kits isn't growing but the other is?

Growing Tips

The best thing to do is to give the kits more time, another week or so should see the other kit catch up, just be vigilant with the watering ensuring the compost is not wet, you are just keeping it moist rather than adding water to the compost.

a common reason for a kit not being able to form fruit bodies is that if the compost is too wet, the mycelium will struggle to colonize towards the growing holes and will struggle to fruit.

Pooling water should be dabbed away and removed.