How To Store Your Mushroom Growing Kits.
Gift Storage Checklist
- CheckRemove Products From Postal Box Immediately
- CheckAvoid Gift Wrapping Until The Last Moment To Avoid Suffocation
- CheckEnjoy giving, a truly unique gift.
Storage Tips
Once removed from postal box - Chestnut / White Mushroom kits just need to be kept as cool as possible, refrigerated or ambient to store.
Can be stored until the use by date printed on the kit, please start before this date.
Ready Growing Kits (anything that is NOT Chestnut or White) Should Be Kept Within the Fridge For A Maximum Of 7-10 Days Prior To Gifting. No Spraying Or Watering Of The Kits Is Required To Store.
Chestnut / White Mushroom Grow Kits
These come with a suitable shelf life (2-3 months) They should be kept somewhere cool (room temp is fine, fridge is best) until gifting / starting. You can keep these for self storage making these perfect gifts.
Pink / Yellow Oyster + Lion's Mane Kits
These are Ready growing items. They should be kept somewhere cool until gifting with damp paper towel over the holes, if kept in the fridge, these can last 7-10 days before gifting / starting, but no longer.
Shiitake, King Oyster, Nameco Kits
These are Ready growing varieties they should be kept somewhere cool until wrapping / starting. if kept in the fridge, these can last 7-10 days before gifting / starting, but no longer as then they need to be started.
Outdoor Log Kits - Will last 3 months in the fridge.